Message from Dean


The Faculty of Arts of Khulna Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah University started its journey along with establishing the university itself in 2018. The faculty was set up to change the intellectual and social values of the people in this region through critical and independent thinking, as the study of Arts fosters thoughtful, critical analysis, creative expression, and intellectual curiosity. Currently, the faculty houses the Department of English which offer honors programs. The regular undergraduate programs provided by English Department is BA (Hons.) in English.  In classrooms, laboratories, studios, and on stage, students are prepared for various careers and equipped to prosper in their challenging future.

The faculty of Arts at KKBAU is a place where great conversations become innovative concepts, and you’ll collaborate with fellow students and faculty who are as passionate about your field as you are. It’s a community of scholars devoted to cutting-edge scholarship and research that will expand your thinking and build a solid foundation to pursue a career in the arts and humanities. The faculty’s devotion to theory and practice cultivates the skills and knowledge you’ll need for a remarkable job. Our extensive curricular offerings encourage interdisciplinary study and feature an applied component unusual in the humanities and unique to the academy. Permeable program boundaries and multiple areas of concentration let you customize a course of study that best suits your personal and career aspirations. Our arts curricula impart a range of competencies that are highly sought in today’s globalizing, information-driven workplace; the capacity to think critically, to analyze information and understand it in historical and cultural contexts, to communicate and collaborate effectively across cultures, races, religions, and to do so in multiple languages. The fruits of education in the arts and humanities are creative expression, vital thinking, excellent writing, persuasive speaking, broad understanding, and empathy enhance career prospects precisely because they enrich our lives and the world. 

I am proud to lead this faculty as Dean, and I am dedicated to the belief that the programs offered in the Arts are the best preparation for the fierce urgency of the contemporary world. I welcome you to the Faculty of Arts. Explore our course offerings, the expertise of our faculty, and our outstanding facilities.

Professor Dr. Md. Arshed Ali Matubber

Dean (In-Charge)

Faculty of Arts

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