Business Administration Department

Message From the Head

Welcome to the Department of Business Administration (BA) at Khulna Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah University (KKBAU)! KKBAU, a leading private university was established by Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM), and approved by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, University Grants Commission (UGC) and Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC) in 2018. The university is named after the honor of Hazrat Khan Bahadur Ahsanullah (R), an outstanding educationist and social reformer of undivided India. 

The department of Business Administration (BA) has been functioning as the most promising Department in the University from its very inception in 2018. I have all reasons to testify that DBA is an ideal platform for the aspiring young students in their quest for choosing an appropriate career in the field of business, either as executives or as entrepreneurs.We are proud of having a strong pool of a very talented and brilliant team of faculty members with Ph.D, M-Phil, or Master degrees from home and abroad. They are ever-caring to our students. In addition to doing their regular teaching assignments (formal classes, consultations, etc.), all of them arrange special classes for weaker students of their courses under a central plan.

In this age of globalization, technological advancement, cultural shifts, global political unrest influence the business organizations to rethink present business strategy. Considering these global challenges, department of BA update the curricula of our academic programs with a view to so equipping our students that they do not face any problem in matching themselves with the needs of both business and non-business organizations in the society at large. Department of BA regularly organizes workshops, seminars and conferences on contemporary topics in different functional areas of business. To produce dynamic business leaders to meet the business challenges, Department of BA offers BBA and MBA program (for business and non-business graduates) with the major specialization on Human Resource Management, Finance, MIS, Accounting, Management Marketing, Supply Chain Management and Bank Management etc.  Dynamic administration, enriched lab and library facilities, different clubs and co curricular activities enable business students of KKBAU to be global competitor.

I invite you and your parents/guardians to come to our campus to personally see what we have and what we really are. If you mean quality education at the least possible cost, I am sure, KKBAU would top the list in your ranking. Thank you very much for your interest about KKBAU, and more particularly, for the

Professor Dr. Md. Arshed Ali Matubber
Department of Business Administration

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