Personal Portfolio

Mushfiq Shahrier Shafi

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

M.Sc. Engineering(Ongoing) : Computer Science & Engineering Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna

B.Sc Engineering (2019-2023) : Computer Science & Engineering Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna (CGPA – 3.85/4.00)

H.S.C (2018) Notre Dame College, Dhaka

S.S.C (2016) Jessore Zila School, Jessore

Software Engineering  
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning


Digital Logic Design: Number System, Logic Gates, Combinational Circuit, Sequential Circuit, Register, Counter

Digital Logic Design Sessional : Logic Gates, Multiplexer, Adder-Subtractor, Flip-flop, Register, Counter

Software Development -1 :

Introduction to Computer in Business : 

Internet Studies and Web Design: 

Phone : 01723312065
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